This web site is provided as a public service by the Macon County, North Carolina, Register of Deeds Office. The only records we provide to you online are our Consolidated Real Property Records (CRP). We have no future plans to add Vital (Birth, Death & Marriage) records to our online search.

The Information available on this web site is collected, maintained, and provided solely for the convenience of the public users. The data that appears on this site is updated every 24 hours (except on weekends and will update the following business day). While every effort is made to assure that this information is accurate and current, the Register of Deeds does not certify the authenticity of the information contained herein and the county makes no warranty, expressed or implied, concerning its accuracy and completeness.

Users are advised that their use of this information is at their own risk. The Register of Deeds shall under no circumstance be responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in the information found on this website, nor liable for any actions taken as a result of reliance upon any information contained within this website from whatever source, or any other consequence from such reliance.

If you so happen to find any irregularities in our Online Lookup as compared to the official records located in the Macon County Register of Deeds Office please notify us immediately @ (828)349-2095.

If you should have any other questions, comments or concerns please refer them to anyone in our office during our operating hours of M-F/8-5 @ (828)349-2095.